Stellenangebot: 6 PhD-positions in research group on Low or No Code Development Platforms, University of Graz, Deadline: 21.02.2024

The University of Graz offers six PhD-positions in a newly established research group on Low or No Code Development Platforms. The research group [Sm-AI-R] includes six disciplines business analytics, critical data studies/digital STS, psychology, philosophy, law and ethics all based at the university’s high profile area Smart Regulation.

Deadline for application: 21st February 2024.

Calls for two positions have just opened, a third (psychology) will follow soon.

PhD in STS/critical data studies:

[Sm-AI-R] will focus on the emergence of a new type of design paradigm for AI systems: Low or No Code Development Platforms (LDCP) for AI. LCDPs such as AutoML are a subfield of AI research that subsumes methods to automate all stages of the design and development of AI systems. As such LCDPs aim to reduce tedious and repetitive tasks in the development of AI systems. They promise to make AI more accessible, in particular to professionals without in-depth AI/ML knowledge and expertise.

We will research the transformative role of LCDP-based systems in organisations from two perspectives: On the one hand such systems increasingly regulate the organisation of work, e.g. by reconfiguring roles and responsibilities in organisations, by transforming work characteristics and workers’ perception of autonomy, competence and empowerment and by transforming our understanding of processes of decision-making. These transformations call (on the other hand) for a regulation of LCDP-based systems in organisations with respect to the quality of the solution, its compliance with the broader legal order as well as ethical design guidelines.

Graz is a beautiful and vibrant student city in the South of Austria.