Veranstaltung: 1st General Assembly of “stsing – doing STS in an through Germany”, 10 September, 16-19:30hrs (online)

General Assembly of “stsing – doing STS in an through Germany”, 10 September, 16-19:30 hrs

16:00 Keynote: Prof. Dr. Tahani Nadim: Data Natures at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
16:45 General Assembly (including breaks) (please see the agenda here:
19:00 Panel Discussion: Beyond the fax machine? Contact tracing as sociotechnical practice in Public Health. from 19:30 Social events in local hubs.

The event will be taking place in local hubs and online:

(See on Mattermost what is organised in your area – or contribute in organising a shared screening).

stsing was founded in October 2020 after some years of scattered discussions of how to infrastructure STS in Germany. Much has happened since; a board was elected to take on the nitty-gritty work of German bureaucracy and coordinate various efforts, working groups have formed and dissolved, and for a couple of months now it is possible to officially register as a member. Almost 70 people have already done so. In the upcoming General Assembly we want to look back together at what has happened since 2020 and plan ahead for the coming years. The general assembly will end with having a row of new candidates for the next stsing board; its form and future again up for debate.

The GA will kick off at 16 hrs with a keynote by Prof. Dr. Tahani Nadim (Museum für Naturkunde and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) on: Data Natures at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.
After attending to association matters between 16:45-18:30 (including breaks), the event concludes with a panel discussion by Dr. Tim Eckmanns (Robert-Koch Institut) and Christoph Höhn (Amt für Gesundheit und Gefahrenabwehr des Main-Kinzig-Kreises) on: Beyond the fax machine? Contact tracing as sociotechnical practice in Public Health.

The agenda for the association’s meeting can be viewed here: . You can still become a member to cast your votes in association matters during the GA and in the upcoming board elections, fill in the form here:

All the best,

— the stsing board —

Paula Helm (Universität Tübingen) and Estrid Sørensen (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), chairs
Baldeep Grewal (Universität Potsdam) and Laura Kocksch (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), chair substitutes
Johanna Sentef (Universität Frankfurt), treasurer
Simon Hirsbrunner (Freie Universität Berlin) and Kevin Hall (Marburg Universität)