Call for Abstracts: Workshop on formographic inquiries into practice, accountability, and infra-critique (September 2-3, 2021, Technical University Dresden)

Using STS to trouble the classical question of forms in sociology – inviting STS ethnographic problematisation to develop a
‘formographic’ inquiry – is the theme of the workshop “The Un/Making of Forms. Formographic inquiries into practice, accountability, and infra-critique” at the Technical University Dresden, Germany (September 2-3, 2021).

The workshop aims to develop such inquiry into practices of form, how forms are fabricated and performed, and how they support, erode, or energize one another. Forms help organize far-flung coordination and gain salience as prerequisite of accountability. They furnish the yardsticks of critique. The workshop draws attention to the situated relation of form and critique that emerges from the ever changing tangle of practice. It will explore “infra-critiques”—critiques ‘from within’ shifting forms of life.

More information can be found here:

The deadline for abstracts (250words) is August 31, 2020.