Event: Mapping and coordinating social and cultural studies of science and technology in Germany (08.11.19, TU Berlin)

If you are an STS scholar working in Germany, please consider participating in the coordination-meeting “Mapping and coordinating social and cultural studies of science and technology in Germany”. Social and cultural studies of science and technology have a long tradition in Germany. Some of its earliest scholarly networks worldwide have been founded here. Over the past decade, research in this area has mushroomed across the country and several new networks and initiatives have been formed. Compared to traditional scientific disciplines, however, the number of scholars in social and cultural studies of science and technology and particularly its level of institutionalisation is still modest. For this reason, it seems important that the diverse existing networks coordinate and recognize each other’s efforts within the field. A hope is that this will generate better formats for exchange and mutual inspiration as well as lead to better visibility of the field and its elective affinities within the academic landscape in Germany. At this meeting, the landscape of social and cultural studies of science and technology networks will be laid out and an open space will be created for discussions of the future coordination of our efforts.

Date and time: Friday 8th November 2019, 15:30 – 19:00
Place: Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Soziologie Fraunhoferstr. 33-36, 10587 Berlin, FH 804 (8OG)
Everyone is welcome! Please register before 1st of November with stefan.boeschen@humtec.rwthaachen.de.


15:30 Welcome, Quick introduction
15:40 Input by Tanja Bogusz: “Critique and/or Cooperation: STS and sociological experimentalism”
16:00 Mapping the STS landscape in Germany: We invite brief statements from all initiatives that organise STS thought and practice in Germany. These include but are not limited to the following. Please get in touch, if we have overlooked networks:
– SDN Science and Democracy Network
– DGS Sektion Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung
– GWTF Gesellschaft für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung e.V.
– STSing
– INSIST Interdisc. Network for Studies Investigating Science & Technology
– ‘Studies’ Initiative initiated by the FG Gender Studies
– NTA Netzwerk Technology Assessment
– Hochschulforschung in der Wissenschaftsforschung
– …
in cooperation with the Department for Sociology, TU Berlin
17:00 Coffee Break
17:20 Coordination: Formats & Futures
18:45 Closing remarks

This event will take place in the context of this year’s GWTF annual conference with the topic “The Politics of STS: Normative Prämissen der Wissenschaft- und Technikforschung auf dem Prüfstand”. You are all warmly invited to participate (Thursday, 10am – Friday, 3 pm; separate registration: digital@mcts.tum.de)