Publication: Announcement – Special Issue “Prospects for a New Materialist Informatics” published in “Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research”

We are pleased to announce that the special issue on New Materialist Informatics, edited by Goda Klumbyte and Claude Draude, has been published by the journal Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research.

The special issue presents work spanning humanities, social sciences, arts, computer science and design that engages intersections of new materialism and informatics. Seeking to showcase some of the practices and possible directions of new materialist informatics as a research and design field, the articles presented in this issue address crossovers and convergences between engineering, human-computer interaction, arts, media and culture studies, philosophy, political economy, robotics, architecture,and design. Accordingly, they also present different understandings of materiality as it engages informatics, as well as different methods, varying from historical genealogies, computational experiments, to theoretical analyses and theory-led interventions. This methodological diversity is crucial for new materialist informatics as an emerging transdisciplinary field.

Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research is a scientific, open and peer reviewed journal designed as a space for dialogue and reflection upon about the interdisciplinary and contemporary turn to matter.The research presented in the journal explores new modes of engaging materiality and how that impacts research practices and the relation between researcher and the object of research.

The full issue (open access) can be found here:

Table of contents:

EditorialProspects for a New Materialist Informatics: Introduction to the Special Issue

Goda Klumbytė, Claude Draude

Peer reviewed articles:
Almanac entries:
Book reviews: