Call for Papers: Panel „Smugglers, Idiots and Loyal cheats: Situated intervention as method out of control“ at EASST2018 (25.–28.07.2018, Lancaster)

You are invited to submit paper proposals for the panel „Smugglers, Idiots and Loyal cheats: Situated intervention as method out of control“ at the EASST2018 conference which will be held from 25th to 28th July 2018 in the City of Lancaster, UK.

What happens when we commit to intervening in the practices we study as a form of STS scholarship? Avoiding the polarized positions of promise and critique of intervention, this panel empricises what happens when STS scholars get involved in experimental, uncontrollable processes of worldmaking.

The deadline for submissions is February 14, 2018.

For more information, check the full Call for Proposals.